Detailed Description of Job Openings

Note that the current Board decided that events will not happen unless someone other than the board members step forward to co-ordinate them. The PLA will support the event and provide funding.

If you want an event, you are electing yourself coordinator for that event unless someone else steps forward. Currently people have stepped forward to coordinate the garage sale, fireworks, turtle races, and Halloween children's party.

Also, a priority will be to find new volunteers for all Board positions to start in June. If people do not step up, all existing funds will go to the township, none of the current activities will happen and lake residents will lose a united vote in local politics. Bear in mind that we will lose control of anything related to our lake if people do not step up before the end of this year!


There are 4 meetings per calendar year:

The Annual Membership meeting in June, start of the PLA “year”;

And 3 Board meetings:




Other meetings may be called as necessary to plan agendas or work on projects.


President and suggested criteria for that office:

The President shall preside at all meetings and perform such other duties as are usual to the office. The President SHALL NOT VOTE EXCEPT TO BREAK A TIE.

*  The President usually acts as coordinator for all committees and sees that the committees are carrying out the project.  The President should be someone with good people skills, able to assist and motivate others to not only carry out needed activities but to enjoy those activities also. Good leadership skills are a plus.  An ability to put together a meeting agenda and to conduct the meetings will assure the smooth running of PLA meetings.


Vice President and suggested criteria for that office:

The Vice President shall have voting privileges, assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President, and carry on such traditional duties of the office as may be passed on to the Vice-President. The Vice President SHALL NOT HAVE VOTING PRIVILEGES WHILE ASSUMING THE DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT EXCEPT TO BREAK A TIE.

* Most importantly, the VP should be willing to step into the President’s role if need be.


Secretary and suggested criteria for that office:

The Secretary shall make a record of all meetings of the Association; carry on such correspondence as need be; check mail at the post office as necessary; and carry out the mandates of the office as expressed by the Board of Directors and/or the membership in annual meetings. Notify Board of Directors of meeting dates.

*The secretary must be computer literate or able to recruit and supervise some one who is to help him/her.  Be prepared to input and keep up the data base of all resident names/addresses, print labels for mailings, and keep up the email list.

Treasurer and suggested criteria:

The Treasurer shall receive all dues, voluntary and special contributions; keep a record of receipts and disbursements; report the financial condition at annual meetings and regular meetings; keep non-profit paperwork current and carry out the mandates of the office as expressed by the Board of Directors and/or the membership in annual meetings.

*This should be a trustworthy individual with good math skills and an ability to produce a report/spreadsheet for each meeting, keeping track of each PLA fund.  The treasurer should also be able to check the PO box and to coordinate with the Secretary on keeping track of membership, paid members and other important functions such as making sure the yearly insurance is paid and the annual no-profit paperwork is sent in. 


The Sergeant of Arms shall arrange meeting sites, place signs for pending membership meetings, check membership eligibility at all meetings and act as advisor in parliamentary procedures. 

 In addition we need people to create & coordinate the Newsletter, the website, Fireworks  and to take responsibility for the buoys.





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